What happens is that 414 MB's of updates load after an hour and then I'm prompted that there's a problem with the Adobe 8 1.3 update, and do I want to install the other updates? They all install properly, but not 8.1.3. Thinking a fix might be in the updates I installed the updates from Help as well as from the Adobe support site (separate, discrete operations). I also followed the interoperability suggestions and uninstalled Acrobat Reader and the entire CS Suite 3 and then reinstalled CS 3, but not Reader 9 of course: Same problem.

I've checked the "proper port" issue and I'm good. This may have begun around the time I downloaded a copy of Acrobat Reader 9 so I could instruct others how to receive my pdfs.I've read all the threads in this post. For awhile everything worked properly in Acrobat Pro 8 but then it began to hang when I tried to print various docs (Word as well as others) to Adobe PDF. I installed Adobe Acrobat Pro 8 along with the other applications in CS Suite 3. Fastestimates wrote:I've been trying everything and I'm stuck.